
This chapter assumes that the reader is familiar with the general principles explained in the Using the API - basic principles chapter.

The MFL is not merely a “list” of facilities; it has rich APIs to manage their life cycles and to support interaction with other healthcare systems. This chapter concerns itself with what is arguably the “core” of the MFL system - the maintenance of facility information. Facilities APIs fall into the following groups:

Function Resources / APIs
Facility Information storage
  • Facility
  • Facility Physical Addresses
  • Facility Contacts
  • Facility Units
  • Facility Services
Facility Workflow / Life cycle
  • Approval
  • Publishing ( synchronization )
  • Regulation
  • Upgrade
  • Downgrade
Facility ratings
  • Facility service ratings
  • Facility ratings report
Facility downloads
  • Facility cover letters
  • Facility correction templates
  • Facility excel exports
Facility dashboard APIS
  • Analysis by administrative units
  • Analysis by type
  • Analysis by owner and owner category
  • Analysis by regulator and regulation status


One of the things associated with facilities that are registered on the Master Facilities List is a Master Facilities List ( MFL ) Code.

The MFL code is a unique number ( integral ) that is sequential and immutable. The immutability is taken seriously - the MFL codes that were issued under the first generation system will not be re-issued under the second generation MFL system.

Codes that are issued under MFL 2 will start at 100000.

Facility information storage


These APIs are the “heart” of the MFL system. A well-behaved front-end should take an integrated approach, presenting output from these APIs under one set of screens ( instead of five sets, one for each resource type ).


Listing multiple records

The facilities that are currently registered can be listed at /api/facilities/facilities/.

Retrieving a single record

Each facility has a UUID id. A facility’s detail record can be listed at /api/facilities/facilities/<id>/. For example: if a facility record’s id is 2927d31f-b1a0-4d17-93b0-ea648af7b9f0, the detail URL for the facility record will be /api/facilities/facilities/2927d31f-b1a0-4d17-93b0-ea648af7b9f0/.

Adding a new record

The following are the important fields when adding a new facility:

Field Explanation
name The name of the faciity e.g “Musembe Dispensary (Lugari)”
abbreviation A shortened name
description Free text that supplies any additional detail that is required
location_desc An explanation of the location, in “plain” language e.g “Eldoret - Webuye Highway (at Musembe Mkt junction)”
number_of_beds The number of beds as per the facility’s license
number_of_cots The number of cots as per the facility’s license
open_whole_day true if the facility is a 24 hour operation
open_whole_week true if the facility is a 7 day operation
facility_type An id, obtained by listing /api/facilities/facility_types/
operation_status An id, obtained from /api/facilities/facility_status/. This is the overall state of the facility e.g “Operational” or “Not Operational”
ward An id, obtained from /api/common/wards/. Facilities are attached at the level of the smallest administrative area ( the ward ).
owner An id, obtained from /api/facilities/owners/.
officer_in_charge An id, obtained from /api/facilities/officers/
physical_address An id, obtained from /api/common/address/
parent Optional. If a facility is a “branch” of a larger facility, the id of the parent facility should be supplied here.

The following example illustrates a valid POST payload:

    "name": "Demo Facility",
    "abbreviation": "DEMOFAC",
    "description": "This is an example in the documentation",
    "location_desc": "Planet: Mars",
    "number_of_beds": 20,
    "number_of_cots": 0,
    "open_whole_day": true,
    "open_whole_week": true,
    "facility_type": "db8f93ad-b558-405a-89b5-a0cdb318ee6e",
    "operation_status": "ee194a52-db9d-401c-a2ef-9c8225e501cd",
    "ward": "a64d930d-883e-4b96-ba39-c792a1cd04f2",
    "owner": "f4c7ca47-7ee6-4795-ac1c-a5d219e329ad",
    "officer_in_charge": "972c9c96-fe27-4803-b6f8-c933310e2f44",
    "physical_address": "88dde94b-dc42-4b13-b1cb-05eca047678c",
    "parent": null

A successful POST will get back a HTTP 201 Created response. A representation of the freshly created resource will be returned in the response.

Updating an existing record

In order to update an existing record, PATCH the appropriate field from the record’s detail view.

For example, if the facility that we created above got the id set to e88f0c1a-e1e4-44ff-8db1-8c4135abb080 ( this will be returned to the client in the resource returned after successful creation ), we can change its location_desc from “Planet: Mars” to “Planet: Venus” by sending a PATCH to /api/facilities/facilities/e88f0c1a-e1e4-44ff-8db1-8c4135abb080/ with the following payload:

    "location_desc": "Planet: Venus"

A successful PATCH will get back a HTTP 200 OK response and a representation of the freshly updated resource will be returned.

Deleting a record

In order to delete the record that we just created, send a DELETE with an empty payload to the detail URL i.e. to /api/facilities/facilities/e88f0c1a-e1e4-44ff-8db1-8c4135abb080/ in the example above.

A successful DELETE will get back a HTTP 204 NO CONTENT response.

Physical addresses

Listing multiple records

The physical addresses known to the system can be listed at /api/common/address/.

In addition to the common filters that are already explained above, physical addresses have the following extra filters:

Field Explanation
town Filter by the id of a town. Towns can be listed at /api/common/towns/ e.g /api/common/address/?town=b2af0361-c924-4ba2-9bc6-82333fc0a26f
postal_code Filter by the postal_code e.g /api/common/address/?postal_code=00100
address Filter by the actual text of the address itself e.g /api/common/address/?address=P.O.%20Box%201
nearest_landmark Filter by the contents of the nearest_landmark field e.g /api/common/address/?nearest_landmark=kicc
plot_number Filter by the plot_number field e.g /api/common/address/?plot_number=940

Retrieving a single record

The detail endpoint is /api/common/address/<id>/ e.g /api/common/address/20d01a89-f6b5-4a4d-b788-32182d427c18/ for the address whose id is 20d01a89-f6b5-4a4d-b788-32182d427c18.

Adding a new record

Supply the following fields:

Field Explanation
postal_code A valid postal code e.g “00100”
address An address e.g “No. 11A, Kabarnet Court, off Kabarnet Road” or “P.O. Box 5980”
nearest_landmark Free text, left to the discretion of the person creating the record
plot_number Free text, left to the discretion of the person entering the record
town The id of a town, as listed at /api/common/towns/
    "postal_code": "00100",
    "address": "No. 11A, Kabarnet Court, off Kabarnet Road",
    "nearest_landmark": "Kingdom Business Centre",
    "plot_number": "-",
    "town": "b2af0361-c924-4ba2-9bc6-82333fc0a26f"

A successful POST will get back a HTTP 201 Created response. A representation of the freshly created resource will be returned in the response.

Updating an existing record

PATCH the detail endpoint above e.g to set the plot_number for the example record above, send the following PATCH payload to /api/common/address/20d01a89-f6b5-4a4d-b788-32182d427c18/:

    "plot_number": "250"

A successful PATCH will get back a HTTP 200 OK response. A representation of the updated resource will be returned in the response.

Deleting a record

Send a DELETE request to the detail endpoint. In the example above, the DELETE would be sent to /api/common/address/20d01a89-f6b5-4a4d-b788-32182d427c18/.

A successful DELETE will get back a HTTP 204 NO CONTENT response.

Facility contacts

Listing multiple records

Facility contacts can be listed at /api/facilities/contacts/.

In addition to the common contacts that are already explained above, facility contacts have the following extra fields:

Field Explanation
facility The id of the relevant facility, as listed at /api/facilities/facilities/ e.g /api/facilities/contacts/?facility=faaefb75-dba4-4564-8acb-6b947685de24
contact The id of a contact, as listed at /api/common/contacts/ e.g /api/facilities/contacts/?contact=2f5fe4c2-0371-4ba0-ba31-79d997d71c6a

Retrieving a single record

The detail endpoint is /api/facilities/contacts/<id>/. For example, the detail URL for the facility contact whose id is 9641f588-a5c0-4c0d-ad13-cfcf98a2fb7 is /api/facilities/contacts/9641f588-a5c0-4c0d-ad13-cfcf98a2fb7.

Adding a new record

The only required fields are the facility and contact ( as documented above ).

The following example is a valid POST payload:

    "facility": "faaefb75-dba4-4564-8acb-6b947685de24",
    "contact": "2f5fe4c2-0371-4ba0-ba31-79d997d71c6a"

A successful POST will get back a HTTP 201 Created response. A representation of the freshly created resource will be returned in the response.

Updating an existing record

PATCH the detail endpoint with the new values e.g to change the contact in the record above, a valid PATCH payload could be:

    "contact": "516f64b5-a12c-4323-b918-a5512b4baf6a"

A successful PATCH will get back a HTTP 200 OK response. A representation of the updated resource will be returned in the response.

Deleting a record

Send a DELETE request to the detail endpoint.

A successful DELETE will get back a HTTP 204 NO CONTENT response.

Facility units

A facility may contain within it multiple semi-independent units e.g a pharmacy, a lab and a radiology unit.


These units may fall under the scope of different regulators. This API server does not currently handle that.

Listing multiple records

Facility units can be listed via a GET to /api/facilities/facility_units/.

In addition to the common filters, facility units can be filtered by the following fields:

Field Explanation
facility The id of the facility, as listed at /api/facilities/facilities/ e.g /api/facilities/facility_units/?facility=faaefb75-dba4-4564-8acb-6b947685de24
name The name of the facility unit e.g /api/facilities/facility_units/?facility=faaefb75-dba4-4564-8acb-6b947685de24&name=pharmacy
description The description of the facility unit e.g /api/facilities/facility_units/?facility=faaefb75-dba4-4564-8acb-6b947685de24&description=hospital%20pharmacy

Retrieving a single record

A single facility unit record can be retrieved at its detail endpoint i.e
/api/facilities/facility_units/<id>/ e.g /api/facilities/facility_units/1fcc5c30-9170-4c9d-8d05-9695ba81a08c/.

Adding a new record

When adding a new facility unit, the fields of interest are the name, description and facility.

The following is a valid POST payload for /api/facilities/facility_units/:

    "name": "Pharmacy",
    "description": "Hospital Pharmacy",
    "facility": "faaefb75-dba4-4564-8acb-6b947685de24"

A successful POST will get back a HTTP 201 Created response. A representation of the freshly created resource will be returned in the response.

Updating an existing record

A PATCH to the detail endpoint will update the relevant field(s): For example:

    "description": "Community Pharmacy"

A successful PATCH will get back a HTTP 200 OK response. A representation of the updated resource will be returned in the response.

Deleting a record

Send a DELETE request to the detail endpoint.

A successful DELETE will get back a HTTP 204 NO CONTENT response.

Facility services

These APIs link facilities to The service catalog.

Listing multiple records

The currently registered facility services can be listed via GET to /api/facilities/facility_services/.

In addition to the standard filters, facility services have the following additional filters:

Field Explanation
facility id of a facility, as obtained from /api/facilities/facilities/
selected_option id of a service catalog service option, as obtained from /api/facilities/service_options/

Retrieving a single record

A facility service record can be retrieved at /api/facilities/facility_services/<id>/ e.g /api/facilities/facility_services/df6bc639-1d9b-49f8-8f95-51e6de9c93e2/ for the facility service whose id is df6bc639-1d9b-49f8-8f95-51e6de9c93e2.

Adding a new record

To associate a facility with a service, the required fields are facility and selected_option.

The following is an example POST payload:

    "service": "f465cb89-995c-4004-9f32-1d97fa6d0eb2",
    "option": "f465cb89-995c-4004-9f32-1d97fa6d0eb2"

A successful POST will get back a HTTP 201 Created response. A representation of the freshly created resource will be returned in the response.

Updating an existing record

Issue a PATCH to the detail endpoint with the new value. For example, to change the option the example record we created above, the following payload could be sent via PATCH to /api/facilities/facility_services/df6bc639-1d9b-49f8-8f95-51e6de9c93e2/:

    "option": "7dde4be8-1c1e-43ce-8569-eebb63bcb329"

A successful PATCH will get back a HTTP 200 OK response. A representation of the updated resource will be returned in the response.

Deleting a record

Issue a DELETE to the detail endpoint.

A successful DELETE will get back a HTTP 204 NO CONTENT response.

Facility workflows


These five workflows are the day-to-day operations performed on the MFL system. A well behaved front-end should integrate them into the facility information screens that handle the facility information services mentioned above, rather than give each of these its own set of screens.


These workflows have multiple interactions with the role based access control setup.

The facility “publishing” workflow

The first generation MFL system had a notion of “synchronizing” facility records to the “public site”. This notion arose beceause the “public” MFL system was a separate system.

This API does away with that notion. All applications - admin or public, web or mobile - share the same API. Facilities that should be seen in the public API have is_published set to true and is_classified set to false.


When is_classified is true, a user accessing the public site will need to be logged in with an account that has a the view_classified_facilities permission.

To “publish” a facility, simply PATCH the facility’s detail URL and set is_published to true. Newly created facilities are not published by default.

To “classify” a facility, PATCH its detail endpoint with is_classified set to true. A facility is not classified by default.


The public user interface should add an is_published=true filter to every request made to the facilities endpoints. For an unauthenticated user, it should also append is_classified=false to every call to the facilities list endpoint.

The administration user interface should implement role based access control, limiting publishing to users with the publish_facilities permission.

Facility ratings

Ratings are scores given to a facility’s services. One facility service can be rated by multiple users. One user, can rate multiple facility services.

The scores given to a service range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest score and 5 being the highest score.


The facility ratings APIs will be used by both the public and administration user interfaces. The public interface’s concern is to facilitate ratings by the general public. The admninistration interface will present read-only summary information.

Facility service ratings

To rate a facility service, simply make a POST to api/facilities/facility_service_ratings/ with the facility_service’s id and the score given. For example,

    "facility_service": "80613650-f765-4032-a9d3-bb0fc9cc37cc",
    "rating": 3

Facility rating reports

The rating reports available include:

  1. number of users with specific rating/score
  2. sorting of facilities by average score
  3. sorting of facility services by average score
  4. sorting of facility services in a facility by average score

Facility downloads


Some of these downloads e.g the facility correction template are there for historical reasons. A better approach would involve the use of mobile interfaces ( supported by this server’s APIs ) to facilitate data collection and data updates in the field.

Facility cover letters

To download a facilities cover letter:

GET the URL api/facilities/facility_cover_report/<facility_id>/

Facility correction templates

To download a facility’s correction template:

GET the URL api/facilities/facility_correction_template/<id>/

Facilty Inspection Report

To download a facility’s inspection report: GET the URL api/facilities/facility_inspection_report/<facility_id>/

Facility Excel reports


The authors of this API treated Excel and CSV output as simply one more format that data can be exported into. Excel and CSV data comes from the same serializers that produce the standard API JSON and XML output. This has two positive effects:

  • it can use all the available filters
  • every list API endpoint ( not just the facilities list API endpoint ) can produce CSV and Excel

e.g. to get an excel file of facilities: GET the URL api/facilities/facilities/?format=excel

Facility dashboard APIs

This API is accesbile by administrators at both the county and the National level. The dashboard API does a high level analysis of different aspects of the facilities. Currently, it supports analysis of facilities by owners, administrative units, facility types, facility owner types and analysis by time created.

To get the analyzed data: GET the URL api/facilities/dashboard/. The data that the endpoint responds with is dependent upon the priviledges of the user logged in.

For a National user, the following response is expected

    "owners_summary": [
            "count": 5,
            "name": "State Coorporation"
            "count": 1203,
            "name": "Private Enterprise (Institution)"
            "count": 0,
            "name": "NOT IN LIST"
            "count": 3,
            "name": "Humanitarian Agencies"
            "count": 179,
            "name": "Private Practice - Unspecified"

    "recently_created": 8361,
    "county_summary": [
            "count": 784,
            "name": "NAIROBI"
            "count": 392,
            "name": "MERU"
            "count": 379,
            "name": "NAKURU"
            "count": 363,
            "name": "KITUI"
            "count": 358,
            "name": "NYERI"
            "count": 333,
            "name": "KIAMBU"
            "count": 267,
            "name": "KAJIADO"
            "count": 256,
            "name": "MOMBASA"
            "count": 243,
            "name": "MACHAKOS"
            "count": 233,
            "name": "KILIFI"
    "total_facilities": 8361,
    "status_summary": [
            "count": 0,
            "name": "Facility_Gazette_By_ID"
            "count": 0,
            "name": "PENDING"
            "count": 0,
            "name": "Not-Operational"
            "count": 8361,
            "name": "OPERATIONAL"
            "count": 0,
            "name": "Licensing"
            "count": 0,
            "name": "Registration"
            "count": 0,
            "name": "Gazettment"
    "owner_types": [
            "count": 0,
            "name": "Other"
            "count": 268,
            "name": "Non-Governmental Organizations"
            "count": 3226,
            "name": "Private Institutions and Private Practice"
            "count": 853,
            "name": "Faith Based Organization"
            "count": 356,
            "name": "Other Public Institution"
            "count": 3658,
            "name": "Ministry of Health"
    "constituencies_summary": [],
    "types_summary": [
            "count": 119,
            "name": "District Hospital"
            "count": 901,
            "name": "Health Centre"
            "count": 3808,
            "name": "Dispensary"

For a County user (Mombasa County in this case), the following response is expected

    "owners_summary": [

            "count": 5,
            "name": "Local Authority T Fund"
            "count": 33,
            "name": "Community Development Fund"
            "count": 78,
            "name": "Company Medical Service"
            "count": 265,
            "name": "Non-Governmental Organizations"
            "count": 225,
            "name": "Other Faith Based"
            "count": 10,
            "name": "Supreme Council for Kenya Muslims"

    "owner_types": [
            "count": 189,
            "name": "Private Institutions and Private Practice"
            "count": 10,
            "name": "Faith Based Organization"
            "count": 27,
            "name": "Other Public Institution"
            "count": 23,
            "name": "Ministry of Health"
    "constituencies_summary": [
            "count": 71,
            "name": "MVITA"
            "count": 49,
            "name": "LIKONI"
            "count": 46,
            "name": "NYALI"
            "count": 44,
            "name": "CHANGAMWE"
            "count": 25,
            "name": "KISAUNI"
            "count": 21,
            "name": "JOMVU"
    "types_summary": [
            "count": 2735,
            "name": "Medical Clinic"
            "count": 196,
            "name": "Other Hospital"
            "count": 119,
            "name": "Sub-District Hospital"
            "count": 172,
            "name": "Nursing Home"


Facility types

There are many types of facilities ranging from health centers, hospitals, dispensaries, national hospitals etc.

Facility types form the basis of upgrading and downgrading of facilities.

A facility type has five distinct fields:

Field Explanation
id The primary key of the facility type
name The name of the facility type e.g HEALTH_CENTER
sub-division A sub-division of the facility type e.g A hospitla has got several sub divisions e.g District Hospital of Provincial Hospital
preceeding A facility type that comes before the type e.g a Provincial Hospital comes before a National Hospital

Creating A facility type

POST to api/facilities/facility_types/ a payload similar to the one below

    "name": "Hospital",
    "sub_division": "Provincial Hospital",
    "preceding": "950047f7-dae4-4803-9818-9886004daaf1"
Expected Response Code:

Expected sample data:

    "id": "11494347-f40c-4fbb-8632-cc1f35fe1fc9",
    "created": "2015-05-21T14:38:03.298142Z",
    "updated": "2015-05-21T14:38:03.298162Z",
    "deleted": false,
    "active": true,
    "search": null,
    "name": "Hospital",
    "sub_division": "Provincial Hospital",
    "created_by": 1,
    "updated_by": 1,
    "preceding": "950047f7-dae4-4803-9818-9886004daaf1"

Listing Facillity types

GET the URL api/facilities/facility_types/

Sample Response data:

        "count": 27,
        "next": "http://localhost:8000/api/facilities/facility_types/?page=2",
        "previous": null,
        "results": [
                "id": "11494347-f40c-4fbb-8632-cc1f35fe1fc9",
                "created": "2015-05-21T14:38:03.298142Z",
                "updated": "2015-05-21T14:38:03.298162Z",
                "deleted": false,
                "active": true,
                "search": null,
                "name": "Hospital",
                "sub_division": "Provincial Hospital",
                "created_by": 1,
                "updated_by": 1,
                "preceding": "950047f7-dae4-4803-9818-9886004daaf1"
                "id": "950047f7-dae4-4803-9818-9886004daaf1",
                "created": "2015-05-15T13:45:13.592372Z",
                "updated": "2015-05-15T13:45:13.592404Z",
                "deleted": false,
                "active": true,
                "search": null,
                "name": "District Hospital",
                "sub_division": null,
                "created_by": 1,
                "updated_by": 1,
                "preceding": null
Expected Response code:

Retrieving a facility type

GET the URL api/facilities/facility_types/<id>/

For example to get the details of a facility type whose is 950047f7-dae4-4803-9818-9886004daaf1 do a GET to the URL api/facilities/facility_types/950047f7-dae4-4803-9818-9886004daaf1/

Sample Response data:

    "id": "950047f7-dae4-4803-9818-9886004daaf1",
    "created": "2015-05-15T13:45:13.592372Z",
    "updated": "2015-05-15T13:45:13.592404Z",
    "deleted": false,
    "active": true,
    "search": null,
    "name": "District Hospital",
    "sub_division": null,
    "created_by": 1,
    "updated_by": 1,
    "preceding": null
Expected Response code

Updating Facility types

PATCH the URL api/facilities/facility_types/<id>/ with a payload containing the fields to be edited. For example to update a facility type’s name whose id is 950047f7-dae4-4803-9818-9886004daaf1 do a PATCH to the URL api/facilities/facility_types/950047f7-dae4-4803-9818-9886004daaf1/ with a payload similar to the one below

    "name": "District Hospital Edited"

Sample Expected Response data:

    "id": "950047f7-dae4-4803-9818-9886004daaf1",
    "created": "2015-05-15T13:45:13.592372Z",
    "updated": "2015-05-15T13:45:13.592404Z",
    "deleted": false,
    "active": true,
    "search": null,
    "name": "District Hospital Edited",
    "sub_division": null,
    "created_by": 1,
    "updated_by": 1,
    "preceding": null,
Expected Response Code:

Facility Upgrades and Downgrades

Upgrading or downgrading a facility is as easy as changing the facility type of a facility to another type. The person doing this should have the sufficient permssions to do so. This is however a two step process. The First step involves making the upgrade or the downgrade and the second involves confirming the upgrade or the downgrade.

Upgrading/Downgrading a Facility (First Step)

POST to api/facilities/facility_upgrade/ a payload similar to the one shown below

    "reason": "A good reason for the upgrade",
    "facility": "cc585b49-dc42-47a3-a08a-7f2c39633393", // id of the facility
    "facility_type": "57a0351b-accd-4ccf-b19f-38920ea78e75" // id of the facility type

Sample Response Data:

    "id": "70610b2b-ddd8-49b4-8594-52c236a834d2",
    "created": "2015-05-21T15:37:56.240505Z",
    "updated": "2015-05-21T15:37:56.240522Z",
    "deleted": false,
    "active": true,
    "search": null,
    "reason": "A good reason for the upgrade",
    "is_confirmed": false,
    "is_cancelled": false,
    "created_by": 3,
    "updated_by": 3,
    "facility": "cc585b49-dc42-47a3-a08a-7f2c39633393",
    "facility_type": "57a0351b-accd-4ccf-b19f-38920ea78e75"
Expected Response Code:

Confirming Upgrade or Downgrade (Second Step)

The CHRIO may choose to either to confirm or cancel a facility upgrade or downgrade.

To confirm a facility upgrade/downgrade PATCH api/facilities/facility_upgrade/<id>/ where the id identifies a particular facility upgrade/downgrade.

For example to confirm the facility upgrade done above do a PATCH to api/facilities/facility_upgrade/70610b2b-ddd8-49b4-8594-52c236a834d2 with the payload below:

    "is_confirmed": true

Expected Response data:

    "id": "70610b2b-ddd8-49b4-8594-52c236a834d2",
    "created": "2015-05-21T15:37:56.240505Z",
    "updated": "2015-05-21T15:37:56.240522Z",
    "deleted": false,
    "active": true,
    "search": null,
    "reason": "A good reason for the upgrade",
    "is_confirmed": true,
    "is_cancelled": false,
    "created_by": 3,
    "updated_by": 3,
    "facility": "cc585b49-dc42-47a3-a08a-7f2c39633393",
    "facility_type": "57a0351b-accd-4ccf-b19f-38920ea78e75"
Expected HTTP Response code

Cancelling a facility upgrade/downgrade(Second Step)

Cancelling a facility upgrade or downgrade is very similar to confirming a facility upgrade with a minor change in the payload sent.

Do a PATCH to the url api/facilities/facility_upgrade/<id>/ with a payload similar to the one shown below:

    "is_cancelled": true


It is after the confirmation of a facility upgrade or downgrade that a facility is deemed to have been upgraded or downgraded and the changes reflected in the facility.

Listing Facilities that are due for upgrade/downgrade Confirmation

GET the URL /api/facilities/facility_upgrade/?is_confirmed=false

Sample Response data:

        "count": 1,
        "next": null,
        "previous": null,
        "results": [
                "id": "70610b2b-ddd8-49b4-8594-52c236a834d2",
                "created": "2015-05-21T15:37:56.240505Z",
                "updated": "2015-05-21T15:37:56.240522Z",
                "deleted": false,
                "active": true,
                "search": null,
                "reason": "A good reason for the upgrade",
                "is_confirmed": false,
                "is_cancelled": false,
                "created_by": 3,
                "updated_by": 3,
                "facility": "cc585b49-dc42-47a3-a08a-7f2c39633393",
                "facility_type": "57a0351b-accd-4ccf-b19f-38920ea78e75"
Expected Response code:

Listing all the facilties whose upgrades and downgrades have been declined: GET the URL /api/facilities/facility_upgrade/?is_cacelled=true

The resulting payload and expected response code are similar the ones above

Listing all the the Upgrades/Downgrades of a facility

GET the URL /api/facilities/facility_upgrade/?facility=<id>

For example a get to the URL api/facilities/facility_upgrade/?facility=cc585b49-dc42-47a3-a08a-7f2c3963339311 results in the data shown below and the a response code of HTTTP 200 OK

    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": "70610b2b-ddd8-49b4-8594-52c236a834d2",
            "created": "2015-05-21T15:37:56.240505Z",
            "updated": "2015-05-21T15:37:56.240522Z",
            "deleted": false,
            "active": true,
            "search": null,
            "reason": "A good reason for the upgrade",
            "is_confirmed": true,
            "is_cancelled": true,
            "created_by": 3,
            "updated_by": 3,
            "facility": "cc585b49-dc42-47a3-a08a-7f2c39633393",
            "facility_type": "57a0351b-accd-4ccf-b19f-38920ea78e75"